Media Statement:South Africans Are Dying
on 14 December 2020
by McIntosh Polela
All calling for a gun free South Africa are urged to reassess their stance against private gun ownership.
14 December 2020 – For immediate release
A media clip released on Saturday, December 12th by ENCA broadcasts the absolute terror and desperation of a truck driver on the N12 as he pleads for assistance from police [from anyone]. In the graphic video which can be accessed here:
The man is heard to become increasingly desperate as he calls "Shots fired, shots fired! N12, ... they're lighting another truck on fire, they're lighting another truck on fire, ... assistance needed, come on guys!"
"For me, this desperate call as a man faces a life threatening attack with no help in sight, is a very clear message that our citizens have to be their own first responder. Without in any way criticising our Law Enforcement authorities, it is well established that violent crime is entrenched in our society and our police force, in fact even the best resourced police force in any country, cannot be there in the seconds during a life threatening attack." (McIntosh Polela, National Campaign Leader).
Alarmingly, this voice note is just the tip of the iceberg, and we can be sure that there were many other persons around the country who also called for help on the same night that around twenty trucks were petrol-bombed and destroyed on various roads in the Heidelberg area. The most effective way for our citizens to be able to exercise their constitutional right to freedom from violence is to be lawfully armed and competent to protect themselves, their families and other law-abiding people.
Given the violent crime that pervades every level of our society and the proven inability of the Law Enforcement authorities to keep law abiding people safe, it is nonsensical that any rational person would expect a competent law-abiding citizen to accept being denied the opportunity to own a licensed private firearm for self-defense.
We call on organisations such as Gun Free South Africa to urgently and realistically reassess their efforts to see all private firearms banned, and we suggest that they focus instead on eradicating the main sources of illegal firearms which are predominantly from military, law enforcement and other sources across SA's porous borders.
The organisation should bear in mind that it is hypocritical to call for a ban on firearms when our leaders have the very best armed protection that money can buy and when others who have their own money can shelter behind the high walls of expensive estates protected 24/7 by armed security.
McIntosh Polela
National Campaign Leader
Enquiries pertaining to this statement
- McIntosh Polela - 079-563-1625
- Jonathan Deal - 076-838-5150 - or on WhatsApp /